In the original Insomniac edition, the following 4 References were inadvertently omitted from the Bibliography
Atkins H. Down: The Home of the Darwins. London: Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1974.
Bateson, Dusha and Janeway, Weslie. Mrs. Charles Darwin’s Recipe Book: Revived and Illustrated. New York: Glitterati Inc., 2008.
Clark, Ronald W. The Survival of Charles Darwin: A Biography of a Man and an Idea. New York: Random House, 1984.
Darwin Correspondence Project Database. “Letter no. 729 – Darwin, C. R to Hooker, J. D. 11 Jan [1844].” University of Cambridge. http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/entry-487 (accessed May 3, 2010).
Darwin C.D. “Coleoptera at Down.” Entomologist’s Weekly Intelligencer 6 (1859): 99.
should have been cited as
Darwin, F., Darwin, L., Darwin, H. “Coleoptera at Down.” Entomologist’s Weekly Intelligencer 6 (1859): 99.
The appropriate changes have been made in the HarperCollins edition along with some additional revisions to the text.